At the end of October, my poem “Stellar Cartography” was featured in Verandah #39, the Literary & Arts Journal of Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. One contract stipulation was that they would maintain copyright for the first year, after which it would revert to me. So, while I can’t post the entire poem here until November 2025, there are a couple things I can post.
First, Verandah decided forego of the epigraph I submitted, so to give you a taste of the poem’s core idea, I’ll post it here:
To ask for a map is to say,
“Tell me a story.”
—Peter Turchi
The quotation comes from Turchi’s book Maps of the Imagination. It’s one of those books that when I find a copy at a used bookstore, I buy it to pass along to a friend who hasn’t read it yet.
Also, on their Facebook page, Verandah is posting medallions with excerpts from the works appearing in Issue 39. This is mine: